Waiting out the Weather and the River
30-Jun-2021 Wednesday Grafton Harbor, Grafton IL (IL WW mile 0) (0 nautical miles 0 statute miles)
38°58’04.8″N 90°26’19.6″W
38.968002, -90.438771
Elevation: 418 feet Elevation change: 0 feet debatable
States (1): Illinois
Locks (0):
Along the Way
I thought I’d check in. We are still waiting out the weather and the river. The forecast for today was this.
The past couple of days have been altering every other hour between severe thunderstorms and 98 degrees heat with high humidity. Today was cooler, but still a lot of rain. We’ve been spending a lot of time on the yes dear…
Yesterday the log count was 3-5 logs bigger than I am moving past yes dear… per minute on the Illinois River. Today it’s about 1 log per minute. The water level has dropped considerably, but it is still high.
We’ve got a great view of Grafton’s US flag and the Mississippi Palisades from yes dear’s… mid deck. I check it every morning and several times a day when I do the log count.
Grafton Harbor Marina has ‘free boat detailing’. The rain has scrubbed yes dear’s… exterior. The fish are eating the moss or whatever off her bottom and the grackles and sparrows have picked all the bugs and spiders off her.
There’s a grackle nest just off yes dear’s… sun roof aft corner. One of the grackle parents is really wary about us being here. The other one doesn’t care. Besides watching logs all day, I’ve been watching the birds. Oh, yah. We also did laundry today too.
3:00pm checks
The log count is still around one log per minute.
3:00pm grackle check
It took about 15 minutes for the grackle to build up the nerve to go feed the babies.
The weather and water will be good enough for us to leave tomorrow morning. But we are not. Grafton Harbor Marina has a Looper Special that if you stay three nights you get two nights free. We are staying for both our free nights and will be leaving Friday morning, July 2.
I’ve said this before, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service is a boater’s friend. Not only does NOAA provide a weather service it also provides a river watch service. River observations and forecasts.
xxxx https://www.weather.gov/lmrfc/obsfcst_mississippi_riverwatch
The Illinois River, where we were last week before the rain, is still having hard time with flooding. Below is a NOAA River Chart for the Starved Rock Lock in the Illinois River. (Glad we aren’t there now.)
This is a NOAA River Chart for the Quincy IL lock on the Mississippi River. We are heading this direction.
Drolleries and Yuks
How do you make holy water?
~You boil the hell out of it.