Winded out

Winded out

30-APR-2021 Friday City of Annapolis Mooring Ball, Annapolis MD  (0 nautical miles  0 statute miles)

38°58’31.0″N 76°28’57.7″W
38.975265, -76.482687
Elevation: sea level – Heading up the Chesapeake we are still at sea level. It is a bay.
States (1): Maryland

Along the Way

Winded out. There were gail force winds (34–47 knots/40-55 mph of sustained wind) today gusting to 60 mph. The G-forces of gusts of wind on beam almost made me fall down a couple of times. Thank goodness we are in the harbor and tied to a mooring ball. We have the standard two lines on the mooring ball (one from bow cleat) and an extra safety line in case one breaks.

We dropped the dinghy but didn’t venture into town. It was a little too windy and a little too cold. We sat inside and watched the world go by all morning.

The sail boats instructors used the mooring balls for practice with their students. They ran the lines and tacked in and out around the balls. They got real close but never hit us.

I was surprised at how loudly the sheets rattled when they changed direction.

The neighbor’s dinghy got loose and a passer by boat grabbed it. We told him whose it was and he took it over to their boat.

By afternoon no one was moving around in the harbor.

Today reminded me of a snowed in day in Minnesota where you don’t go anywhere and are just stuck at home.

The winds will pick up more tonight then drop off tomorrow afternoon 🙁


Annapolis at one time used the slogan “sailing capital” for their city. As the capital city of Maryland and a prominent port, it was an easy claim to make. Sailing and racing is a big deal in Annapolis.

Drolleries and Yuks

What does a mermaid use to wash her fins?

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